Challenges Faced by Sign Language Interpretation of Students with Hearing Impairment in Some Selected Inclusive School Setting in North-East Zone of Nigeria
Language Interpretation, Hearing Impairment, Inclusive School, Challenges, North-East ZoneAbstract
Generally, students with hearing impairment lack an effective and appropriate communication system, sign language interpreters are the channel that can provide them with an effective communication. This study aimed to investigate the challenges faced by sign language interpreters of student with hearing impairment in some selected inclusive school setting in North East zone of Nigeria. The study specifically determined to find out the numbers of skill/unskillful sign language interpreters and the students with hearing impairment enrollment, the extend of the challenges, causes and possible solutions. Four research questions guided the study. A cross sectional study design was used, the population of the study was that comprise .. sign language interpreters and students with hearing impairment in the area of study. … were used as sample size, purposive sampling technique was used in selecting sample size. Questionnaire were used for data collection, the data collected for the main study was analyzed using likert 4 point scale. The study revealed that there is shortage of sign language interpreters compare to student with hearing impairment enrollment, the study revealed that sign language interpreter find it difficult to interpret deaf culture due to adequate methodology vocabulary and communication strategies to meet the learners needs, the study revealed that sign language interpreters received meagre amount as their salary compare to other staff. The study therefore suggested and recommend that employment of qualified sign language interpreters as well as organizing training and workshop that would equip them with more advanced and adequate knowledge and reviewing their salary package.