Mathematical Modelling of Single Phase Gas Flow in a Pipeline Using Flux Vector Splitting Method
Gas-flow, pipeline, flux vectorAbstract
Pipe transportation is the process of sending liquid to end users from production point. Many works on pipeline transportation has been in existing for decade but most of the works were concerned with the transportation without giving regard to problem encountered during the transportation. In Nigeria transportation of gas was done through tankers because the use of pipeline has not been used in the gas distributions. This institutional based research proposal will shade more light on pipeline transportation its importance and problems associated with it. In considering the problems a one-dimensional homogeneous model which represents a system of partial differential equations to describe mathematically the transient gas flows in a pipe. The governing equation was solved using Implicit Steger-Warming flux vector splitting method. The method has the capability of taken care of any flow that involves propagation especially pipe flow system. The result of this work will served as a way forward for implementing gas transportation in Nigeria and in due course Zamfara since it is a mineral resource producing state, it is hope that there will be time gas reservoir will be discovered in the state.