The Superiority of Super 13Cr Stainless Steels Alloys over the other Corrosion Resistance Alloys (CRAs) in the Oil and Gas Industry
A Review
Corrosion, Oil and Gas, offshore, onshore, Super 13Cr stainless steels, Supermartensitic, Corrosion Resistance Alloys (CRAs), Stainless Steels Alloys (SSA)Abstract
From the critical reviewed of the Corrosion Resistance Alloys (CRAs) in the oil and gas industry, The reviewed indicated that corrosion resistance properties and the nature and properties of duplex, superduplex and super 13Cr stainless steels were studied and the results turns out to be favourable due to: the presence of hydrogen in the welding consumable those not initiate cracks on Stainless Steels Alloys (SSA); Humidity in the shielding gas or condensation during welding process those not induces corrosion; Normal cathodic protection outside line pipes materials those not became a source of hydrogen during operation unlike carbon pipes. All these sources have proven advantageous for stainless steels pipeline in the oil and gas industry. This study therefore dually aim at drawing attention of the operators to the merit of SSA over the other alloys use in oil and gas industry which has been posing detrimental effects on the industry, and to highlight some of the key issues that required consideration for the enhancement of SSA in the oil and gas industry. This study critically reviewed the degree of corrosion resistivity of the different CRAs and superiority of super 13Cr SSA over the other CRAs grades. This study sum that stainless steels as iron-base alloys containing a minimum of 10.50% chromium are themselves set apart from other steels by this minimum alloy levels yard stick. Supermartensitic (super 13Cr) stainless steels alloys had set it selves as pioneers in many technical arenas of high reliability and sustainability, which give it some degree of superiority over the other stainless steels alloys.