Waste Management System in Low Income Communities within Katsina Central Senatorial Zone
Challenges and Opportunities
Waste Management, Waste Disposal, Low Income Communities, Opportunities, Katsina CentralAbstract
This study explored waste management system in low-income communities within Katsina Central senatorial district while striving to identify challenges and opportunities in waste collection and management. Analysis of the study was made based six hundred and eighty-four (684) questionnaires that were returned (representing 83.41% of the questionnaire administered) which is more convenient and provide direct opportunity for the study to contact the respondents. Composition of waste within the study area includes; Food waste, Ash and Unburnt wood, Plastic wastes, Paper card, Waste from textile materials, Glasses, Metals and Garden wastes. Result from Chi-square hypothesis test revealed that plastic wastes, paper card and metallic wastes yields relatively higher income which has significant impact on the lives of the respondents within the study area. It is therefore recommended that authorities should device means of waste disposal which is environmentally friendly. It is also recommended that means of value addition to waste through the transformation of plastic wastes and paper cards into useful, innovative and ecofriendly material through recycling via simple technologies that will reduce the negative impact of waste while creating more job opportunities to low income households.