School Culture and Guidance Counselling Services as Correlates to Enhance Students Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Gwagwalada Area Council Area, FCT, Abuja, Nigeria
School culture, Guidance and Counselling, Services, Correlates, Academic Performance, EnhanceAbstract
The paper focused on school culture and guidance counselling services as correlates to enhance students’ academic performance in senior secondary schools in Gwagwalada Area Council, FCT, Abuja. The researcher set two research questions and applied survey research design for the study. The population of the study was 676 teachers (retrieved from website 2022). The sample of the study was 322 teachers sampled through random sampling technique. The instrument used for the study was questionnaire on “School Culture and Guidance Counselling Services as Correlates to Enhance Student Academic Performance (SCGCSC ESAP)”. The instrument was validated by experts in the Departments of Educational Management and Guidance and Counselling, Faculty of Education, University of Abuja. Test-retest method was applied to collate the data for analysis. Pearson Moment Correlation coefficient and Spearman Brown Rho Correlation coefficient statistics were used to analyse the data. The coefficient index obtained was 0.71, mean statistics was used to analyse data gotten from research questions. The findings of the study revealed that teachers did not apply their school culture to enhance students’ academic performance but that they applied guidance and counselling services’ to achieve students’ excellent academic performance. Based on the findings the researcher recommended that secondary schools management should encourage teachers to apply their schools’ culture to help students perform better in their academics. The secondary school management should also encourage teachers to continue to apply guidance and counselling services to enhance students’ academic performance.